Case study: Weekly Challenge 2- Create personas for your portfolio project In Google Certificate Ux Design.

Jefranul Islam Rakib
2 min readJul 6, 2021


Now that is my first story in the medium.
Just reach the Weekly Challenge 2 :
Here is Task to Create Personas for my Portfolio Projects.

So I have to make a Persona with two different categories.
There is a question of what personas are? Personas are fictional users whose goals and characteristics represent the needs of a larger group of users.

My Task to do: “you’ll need to identify two distinct user groups, then create two personas. For larger future projects, you may identify and develop several personas.

You can identify a user group by analyzing user interviews and grouping the responses into users who share similar interests, goals, or concerns. To get started with this activity, you’ll conduct interviews with potential users for the portfolio project you chose from Sharpen.” —

here is my task to complete:

Step 01-Access the template

I access the template and start to edit.

Step 2: Analyze your user interviews and identify user groups

So I Make Two Different user groups

This really helped me envision two different people. I drew particular situations from my interview participants to construct these personalities.
I choose two characters who are fighting with their life journey.

Step 3: Build two personas based on your user research for the Sharpen prompt in your portfolio project.

Let’s do it.
Met my personas Farhan And Evan

Yes, I do it

I chose the different age groups and different goals, and different People. Someone Needs to Job. On the other hand, someone has a successful business. Both are combined at the coffee shop this the common factor for my personas. Someone comes to use wifi and attend the class. On the other hand, other people come to the coffee shop for refreshments.

I added the personal details there life goal and details of life journey. I added the frustration and goals. Different people have different goals and frustration. Someone wants to get out of a busy day. On the other hand, someone wants to join the busy life.

This assignment is peer-reviewed- our first one! I submitted mine, and now I have to go review some of my classmate’s personas.

Next up is Week 3: creating user stories and user journey maps.



Jefranul Islam Rakib

Simply in One line i am nobody. Curious person to learn and share. My Madness of Learning Will continue